Friday, July 21, 2006


Yes, that's right folks: BBQ.

I went to one last night, and a wonderfully raucous time was had by all and sundry! I nearly went and got in the neighbour's pond thinking it was a hot tub.

I also drank far too much. I mean WAY too much. It could have been something like 7 bottles of Stella Artois and some various other stuff. Oh goodness, I am certainly regretting that now!

Just consider for a moment that Stella tastes like vomit while you're drinking it. Consider it making a reappearance. All the wonderful vomituous flavours squared. That's disgusting to the power 2!

I'm gonna go lie down T_T

1 comment:

Gebimble said...


The hot tub thing? Well, next door had that kind of shed-like things? I thought it was a hot tub because it was big and circular and covered over by this big wooden thing. Turns out it was actually just a pond. A pond that no one wanted to get wet or to have a kite fall into.